After going to the dr we found out we were due on December 17... Exactly a year after the day we found out we were pregnant with the one we lost.
As December approached my doctor and I set up my date to be induced, December 10. Blake was measuring good but I wasn't progressing. For 3 weeks I stayed a "tight 1" and 50% effaced.
On December 4 my mom brought me her car so I could go to the baby shower at Brian's work the next day. She had a lunch with her friend at the Christmas Box House and her friend was going to drive her. But late that night she forgot that she was supposed to take a neighbor to the Bishop's Store house in the morning so I was going to take her back her car in the morning.
At 3 am on December 5 Emma had a bad dream and I fell asleep in her bed trying to comfort her. I woke up sometime between 6 and 7 with bad cramps. Once Brian woke up he decided he would take me and emma too my mom's house in her car and she would bring him back home so he could go to work in our car.
I decided to take a nice warm bath in her deep soaker jetted tub to see if the contractions would stop. The water eased the pain but they remained. Emma was sweet and kept giving me her bath toys to play with and when the water cooled down enough she climed in.
I kept timing the contractions they weren't regular but I was having 6-10 an hour. My mom and brian kept saying I needed to go to the hospital and after calling my dr and they said if they were painful and that frequent I should go in.
We left for the hospital at 11:35. Since we had emma with us they took me to a room and not triage to check me. I was at 3 cm and 80%... I had progressed! 2 days before at my dr appointment I was only a 1.
My dr of course was off so the dr on call had me walk the halls for an hour. Since emma couldn't walk the halls due to flu season I sent her and my mom away to go get lunch. Brian's work bumped up the shower time and basically handed him the gifts and scratched the games.
Walking the hall was not that thrilling. I had people in the waiting room offering to walk with me. And hospital staff asking about my baby which was nice. At first I told brian to stay at work until we knew for sure I was staying but 30 min after walking the contractions were extremely painful and I was texting him begging to come. Little did I know the man didn't listen to me and was on his way already. A little bit later he called me and I finished the rest of my walk with him.
The nurse came in to check me a little after 2 and I was a 4. At 2:20 registration came in to have me sign papers. I was staying! This was it... He was coming!
A little after 3 I got an epidural and I was watching elf, eating ice, loving life. A little before 5 they checked me again and I was a 5. My dad came to help brian give me a blessing. I was blessed with the strength to endure and that labor and delivery would go quickly and smooth.
The nurse said she would get a dr to break my water and help move things along.
At 5:40 I started feeling the contractions again. The nurse checked me and I was a 9! Less than an hour and I progressed 4 cm! She said when you progress that quickly often your epidural will wear off. She ordered another dose for me and said she will hold off on my waters being broken until the dr on call from my office gets there since the baby was ready and would be coming as soon as the waters broke.
I started to worry that I was going to feel delivery and end up having a natural birth when I didn't want that. Thank goodness my epidural kicked in in time so I didn't feel pushing him out.
At 6:10 we were set up and ready for delivery. At 6:24 I started pushing and at 6:42 my perfect son was born. He was 19.5 inches long and 6 pounds 8 ounces. I loved him so much!
I didn't tear and so recovery was amazing... It didn't feel at all like I had pushed a baby out. And blake was such a good, sweet baby. We were so blessed!
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