Monday, April 15, 2013

Holding Off and Holding On...

After weeks of freaking out, being overwhelmed, lots of prayers and long chats with my husband and sister I have to decided to hold off on anything too evasive. My sister who is supporting her husband through medical school and often studies with him would look things up in his text books for me and she feels that now that pesky cyst is gone my body will cooperate (hopefully).
I really don't want to do surgery unless absolutely necessary... I have a very high maintenance two and half year old that would not understand mommy being out of commission for a while... so the least evasive the better.
You can still get pregnant with endometriosis   depending on the severity. So I am holding off and holding on to my faith... my faith that Heavenly Father is in control and my baby will come when the time is right.
I have also been trying to "relax" and "not think about it"...Usually with TTC (trying to conceive) I have been living my life 2 weeks at a time. 2ish weeks from the time my period starts to when I "ovulate" (I say it like that since I have no clue IF  I am even ovulating) to the 2 weeks that my period is supposed to begin. I frantically chart every symptom, every cramp, every spot, every single thing. And then when my period comes the 2 weeks start over. This is the 1st month in 7-8 months that I have been living day by day (yes I still chart significant symptoms because well I am a planner and for future reference) but I haven't been thinking "Ok Hilary you can get pregnant such and such day to such and such day". It has been less stressful and I have been more happy. Holding on to my knowledge that I am loved by my Heavenly Father and that there is a plan and things will be ok has made a world of difference. 

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