Wednesday, October 2, 2013

I'm ok

I haven't written in forever and I am sorry but I have been soaking up every moment with my baby. She is my whole world. And yesterday I realized that if she ends up being gym only child I am so blessed and I am ok with that. I have a beautiful, perfect daughter and a loving husband. I have it enough for now. 
My desire to have a baby is still strong. We stopped clomid this month, fasted and went to the temple all about our baby. Brian and I both has different promptings that are related. Being off clomid was great! No sickness and my acne went away (until a week ago). I super lightly spotted in cycle day 10 and 18. I am now on cycle day 34. I'm not getting my hopes up. 
I know Heavenly Father is a God of miracles and that they do happen even to me. I know that when it is right my miracle baby will come.